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Abdulrazzak A. Jasim
Saif Ahmad Rudhan


The experiment was conducted in the fields of college of Agriculture Abou Gharib university of Baghdad during the spring season 2008 to know the effect the open type and the mixture nature and the depth of fighting by using Altarlafan annihilator on Drifting percentage and percentage of inhabiting weed growth, average consumption of fuel , the slippage percentage. Using the design of dividing laths by fourth repetition, the open type of the main laths (flabelliform, conical) while the depth spraying of sub-laths has taken (10.5.0) cm. and the results were as follows: The flabelliform open gives the highest percentage of Drifting percentage 67.1% and percentage of inhabiting weed growth 66.7% .The treatment of spraying depth gives 5cm the highest percentage of Drifting percentage 75.5% and the percentage of percentage of inhabiting weed growth 67.3% it succeed on the surf ace spray with 28.2% and 30.5% , consequently , while, the slippage percentage and average consumption of fuel by spray depth where gives spray depth on 10 cm the highest average for these specifications which were 10.6% , 54.0% liter Hiktar .Hour . The treat of flabelliform open with the spray depth gives 5 cm the highest average in the Drifting percentage 76.8% for percentage of inhabiting weed growth77.9% . Increasing depths of control from surfacial to 5 cm depth led to a decrease of fuel consumption , slippage percentage , inhibiting percentage and control ratio , where the lightest record of control ratio was 75.55% , while increasing the depth from 5 cm down to 10 cm led to decrease control ratio from 75.55 to 68.60% besides , decreasing weed inhibiting percentage, fuel consumption , and slippage percentage . Double interaction between aperture type and sprinkling depth led to an increase in slippage percentage , fuel consumption , while the percentage of weed growth inhibitors and control were increased in the interaction of aperture type with depth of surficial and 5 cm of sprinkling and decreased at 10 cm sprinkling depth.


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How to Cite
Jasim, A. A., & Rudhan, S. A. (2011). EVALUATION AN INJECT SEED WEED COTROL HERBICDE EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE UNDER SOIL SURFACE USING TREFLAN. Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal , 3(2), 373–382. Retrieved from https://journal.djas.uodiyala.edu.iq/index.php/dasj/article/view/3036