Comparative Physical and Organoleptic Properties, Nutritional Composition, and Safety of Charcoal and Oven Smoked Noiler Meat Spiced Asun

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Saheed A. Ahmed
Ibrahim Kayode Banjoko
Olanrewaju Majeed Shuaib
Muyideen A. Isiaka


Five Matured Noiler chickens 3 months old weighing 3kg±120g were used for the experiment. The birds have fasted for 16 hours without food but with a supply of fresh cool water. The birds were slaughtered and dressed conventionally. The breast meat was excised within one-hour post-mortem and used for the preparation of Asun using charcoal and oven smoking. The breast meats were cut into fillets of average weight without bone; the fillets were spiced, rubbed with vegetable oil, and smoked using charcoal and oven to an internal temperature of 720C for 20 minutes with regular turning. The result shows a significant difference (p<0.05) in the nutritional and chemical composition of raw and smoke Noiler meat. The charcoal and oven-smoked Asun were not different, but both differ from the raw. The organoleptic properties show no significant difference (p>0.05) in color, aroma, and texture while flavor, juiciness, and overall acceptability differ. There was a significantly different (p>0.05) in WHC, cooking loss, and cooking yield. Preparation of Asun using charcoal and oven smoking contributed to the nutritional component except for the moisture content. The cholesterol, SFA, MUFA, PUFA, and amines were also increased.  The value obtained shows that charcoal and oven-smoked Noiler meat Asun is safe for consumption and has no negative effect, also impacts positively on both the physical and organoleptic properties of the prepared product and therefore, recommended for the preparation of Asun using Noiler meat.


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How to Cite
Ahmed, S. A., Banjoko , I. K., Shuaib, O. M., & Isiaka , M. A. (2023). Comparative Physical and Organoleptic Properties, Nutritional Composition, and Safety of Charcoal and Oven Smoked Noiler Meat Spiced Asun. Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal , 15(1), 9–17.